Monday, November 24, 2008

MSU = Must Socialize Uniquely

After the presentation by Mr. Brad Mitchell it seems like MSU is doing it's part within the social networks. It is important for the University to use these networks to their advantage. MSU is targeting highschool students through these mediums to help them learn more about MSU and hopefully get them excited about the possibility of going to school here.

Mr. Mitchell is trying to use these social networks to his advantage, but he admits that he does not have enough time to devote to all of the networks due to his other commitments. It is very important for MSU to make sure that someone is devoting their full attention to these networks inorder to fully maximize their capabilities. One type of social network that we have not talked about in class that Mr. Mitchell is using is U-Tunes. This is a great network for professors, current students and future students to use for showing off the lectures. I think this is a great and new way to show off their professors to people all across the nation.

It is very important that companies who use these types of networks maximize their full potential. If a company only devotes a few hours a week to these networks their "customers" will be able to tell and could turn them off to their business.

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